- VIMOY iblon contains isoflucypram, a very high performing SDHI fungicide which has recently been registered in NZ
- VIMOY iblon gives you the flexibility to design your own fungicide mixtures. VIMOY iblon + Prosaro or VIMOY iblon + Kestrel is the ideal GS39 fungicide for wheat or barley
- VIMOY iblon has been rigorously developed under NZ conditions in mixture with Bayer prothioconazole fungicides (Proline, Prosaro and Kestrel) so you can be sure of excellent results whatever the NZ climate throws at it
- VIMOY iblon applied in mixture with a label dose of DMI fungicide e.g. Prosaro or Kestrel, can be applied to wheat, triticale, barley and ryegrass seed crops for the control of all yield robbing diseases
- VIMOY iblon uses innovative formulation technology to ensure it spreads evenly over the leaf even when applied at low water volumes
- VIMOY iblon is rainfast after 1 hour in most conditions.

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- VIMOY iblon

VIMOY iblon
The perfect choice when you require a versatile, top performing SDHI fungicide to allow you to design your fungicide mixtures.
VIMOY iblon provides exceptional disease control, resulting in consistently high yields and increased profit.
Crop Suitability & Usage
Crop | Diseases Controlled |
Wheat | Speckled leaf blotch, stripe rust, leaf rust |
Triticale | Stripe rust, leaf rust |
Barley | Scald, net blotch, leaf rust, ramularia leaf spot |
Ryegrass seed crop | Stem rust |
Product Type | Fungicide |
Active Ingredient | Isoflucypram 50 g/L |
Formulation Type | Emulsifiable concentrate (EC) |
Pack Size | 10 litre |
Application Rate | 1.5 L/ha |
Application method | Apply at the first sign of disease in mixture with a DMI fungicide (e.g. Prosaro, Kestrel or Proline) in at least 100 L/ha water using a tractor mounted hydraulic sprayer delivering a medium – coarse droplet. VIMOY iblon can be aerially applied using 50 L/ha water |
Buffer zone for a downwind waterbody | VIMOY iblon doesn’t require a buffer zone but adhere to any buffer zone required for the DMI partner fungicide |
Rainfastness | VIMOY iblon is rainfast 1 hour after application under most conditions |
No. Applications/Crop | One application per calendar year |
Compatibility | With a range of commonly used fungicides and herbicides |
Withholding period | Wheat and triticale grain straw/stubble: 42 days Wheat and triticale green feed/silage: 28 days Barley grain and straw/stubble: 56 days Barley green feed/silage: 42 days Ryegrass seed crops regrowth: 49 days Ryegrass seed crops straw/stubble: 35 days |
Approved Handler | Approved handler status is not required |
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VIMOY iblon Label


VIMOY iblon HazNote

VIMOY iblon + Prosaro press insert (CW 9/2021)

iblon User Guide

iblon Disease Control

VIMOY iblon + Prosaro User Guide 2021

VIMOY iblon + Prosaro iGuide

VIMOY iblon + Prosaro iGuide for Barley

VIMOY iblon + Prosaro iGuide for Wheat